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The Art Of


Improve your confidence and communication skills by learning how to analyze features of the face. We teach courses for your professional and personal life.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Roya?

The Roya System is based on Al Ferasa, the ancient art of face reading, developed by the Bedouins over 2000 years ago. Al Ferasa means to “look at something and see beyond”, and was used by nomadic tribes to identify who they could trust. Over the centuries, Ferasa was used by governments, judges, traders, and industrialists throughout the Arab world as a tool to understand humanity. Our founder, Wael Abdul Hamid, has studied, tested and improved upon on this knowledge, developing a system that focuses on improving all aspects of your personal and professional life.

How Does it Work?

The way we think, feel, and make decisions is all reflected on our faces. By analyzing muscle development we can interpret a person's behavioural patterns and personality. By learning the Roya System, you will become acutely aware of someone’s innermost tendencies, allowing you to communicate better, build stronger relationships, and improve your confidence. You will also be able to look inward, and upgrade aspects of your personality, making you happier and more balanced.

Why Roya?

Our goal with the Roya System is to enhance all aspects of your life. Whether you want a 1-on-1 session, or are interested in our courses, our approach is to make you a better  person. With our system a lawyer becomes a better lawyer, a doctor becomes a better doctor, and a salesperson becomes a better salesperson. If you're looking to make your life better, please contact us for more information. 



1. Face Reading: Interested in Face Reading and want to experience it first hand? In this 1 hour discussion we highlight some of your personality traits, as well as give you some insights to improve your day to day life.


2.  1-on-1 Coaching/Counselling: Feeling stressed out, overwhelmed or even depressed? We believe that you can change anything in your life, but we also believe that change takes time. In this 1 hour session we dive deeper into the subconscious perceptions that may be holding you back in life. You will be given a unique strategy, based on your situation, to transform your life. 

3. Courses: Check out our "Courses Tab" to find out what we're currently offering in person or online. 

Book A Free Discovery Call 

Book a 1-on-1 discovery call to learn more about face reading, ask any questions you might have, and see how we can improve your life. 


Maria Ghitiu, Oracle

“Professionally speaking, it helped me in coaching, recruiting and in leadership. It helped me understand myself, my personality, my behaviour, and my decision-making style."

Noor Kidwai, Comic

"I love Roya so much. It's helped me out with all of my relationships, personal or business. To be able to look at somebody's face and get an understanding of what kind of person they are, it can be used pretty much in every way.”"

Nadja Meurer

"I started the courses out of pure curiosity, and lesson by lesson, I became more passionate about it. It felt like, wow, this is a true treasure for my own personal growth.”


Roya's North American office is in Toronto, Canada. 

Globally, we also run events throughout Europe, the Middle East, and South America.

Send us a message and we’ll get back to you shortly. Or call us at:


Thank you

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